IRC On The Media


PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk and IRC Japan - A Dynamic Alliance for Superior Tires in Indonesia

PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk recently welcomed IRC Japan's Global Tech & QA Department to its state-of-the-art GT Proving Ground. This event emphasized the company's united front in manufacturing IRC tires, specifically tailored for the Indonesian market.


The GT Proving Ground served as more than just the venue. Equipped with advanced technology, it facilitated comprehensive tire testing and analysis, enabling the teams to evaluate IRC tires' performance under various conditions and align with the evolving needs of Indonesian motorists.


At the heart of the collaboration were the sharing sessions where IRC Japan and PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk's R&D teams engaged in a mutual exchange of knowledge. These sharing sessions form a regular part of the ongoing partnership, showcasing the company's commitment to product excellence. These sessions delved into advanced tire testing methodologies, utilizing the capabilities of the GT Proving Ground to enhance tire quality and performance.


This alliance between IRC Japan and PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk marks a promising future for the Indonesian tire industry. Through the synergy of the company's expertise and the practice of routine sharing sessions, the companies are prepared to introduce high-performance, durable, and safe tire solutions. This commitment is the driving force behind the company's tire technology innovations, paving the way for unparalleled tire quality in Indonesia.


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